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Three of RAW Motorsports successful Radical Challenge squad teamed up as one last weekend and came away victorious in the six-hour 750 Motor Club relay on the Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit.

Chris Preen took the first stint for “Rob’s Wrong Un’s”, lining up his Radical SR3 in pole position. But with such a mix of cars and pace, he joined Radical team rivals Doris NWH and RJ Motorsport 2 in going a lap clear of the rest in the first 30 minutes, holding onto third.

“It wasn’t too bad at the start, but a TCR car did jump it initially, but didn’t cause us a problem,” said Preen.

He stayed out for an hour before pitting for John Macleod to take over, “we had a dry stiff set up, as Rob expected it to dry earlier and we were on wets. So we just went for consistency, good clean laps and avoid contact.

Macleod stayed on wets, “there was a dry line, but stayed out as long as I could until the tyres were cooked,” he explained as he pitted after 45 minutes to hand to Ben Stone.

“As third driver we were nearly three hours into the race when I got in, John had come in and we changed to slicks, said Stone as he took them back into second place by the 2 ½ hour mark.

Preen was next out for his second stint, “I was trying to keep it clean, but there still a few near misses, almost waiting for the bang,” he added.

Macleod was in for the penultimate stint, with Stone then due to finish, but dramas had brought gains and some losses.

“I got back on the lead lap after others stopped, we got our heads down and all three of us were good and consistent. But both Ben and I picked up 60 second stop go penalties, for passing a line after the safety car,” Macleod explained, after handing to Stone for the final stint with the overall lead, when Doris NWH pitted early with a problem.

The race was on between RAW, Doris and RJ Motorsport, with Stone just over 40 secs ahead into the final half hour.

“I think we were about 35 or 40 seconds ahead with only 20 minutes left, but still three of us on the lead lap,” said Stone, before drama struck once again.

“The battery started to fail and I was losing pace, I had no radio but had to make it back to the pits, which fortunately I did,” he added.

Preen had done his two stints but suddenly had to rejoin the race. “I was going to get changed, but Rob told me to stay ready and I was in the car strapped in when Ben pitted,” he explained.

Eastwood had the lead for the RJ Team, but he had to serve a penalty too, which handed it back to RAW. At the flag Rob’s Wrong Un’s, proved to be the Right Un’s, taking victory after 143 laps but just 20.45 seconds from Doris NWH.

“My fourth win out of seven starts in this, fantastic,” said Macleod. “I was tired when I got back in, my first attempt at the vent, but it was great Preen added.


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